"Class A entertainment with this magician. After the party, many relatives contacted me separately to ask the name of the performer who had been there."
- Customer, Groom Juha Kaipainen
Show for the whole group
Mentalmagic Show
My brand-new Mentalmagic Show is the crown jewel of my performances, featuring the most impactful miracles I’ve ever encountered.
My performance not only bends your guests’ perception of reality but also compels them to question the capabilities of the human mind.
All of this is done in an entertaining manner, with good taste and a twinkle in my eye. Request a quote and you’ll receive a detailed description via email of how the show will look specifically for your event.
- Ohjelman kesto 30 minuuttia tai sopimuksen mukaan
- Esitys synnyttää vieraissa intensiivisiä tunteita, kuten hämmästystä, innostusta, iloa ja naurua
- Kiehtova kokemus, joka syventää yhteenkuuluvuutta ja nostattaa juhlan arvokkuuden uudelle tasolle
- Muokkaan esiintymistyyliäni aina juhlan luonteen ja energiatason mukaan
- Tilaajani saavat runsaasti positiivista palautetta valittuaan kaltaiseni artistin ohjelmanumeroksi
More customers
Additional services
Premium experience
Personal entertainment
Strolling Close-up Magic
If you want to offer your guests a comprehensive experience, you can consider adding close-up magic after the main performance.
In this case, I will continue to entertain as a charming gentleman, mingling elegantly at the party, and entertaining small groups at each table or gathering.
My customer feedback often highlights how much guests appreciate the artist mingling among them after the main performance.
- Program duration as per agreement
- I approach guests and offer an immediate magic show right before their eyes, utilizing a small space and intimate atmosphere
- I am a two-time Finnish champion in this form of entertainment
- My close-up magic evokes intense emotions in guests, such as amazement, excitement, joy, and laughter
- I always tailor my performance style to match the atmosphere and energy level of the event
"Class A entertainment with this magician. After the party, many relatives contacted me separately to ask the name of the performer who had been there."
- Customer, Groom Juha Kaipainen
Show for the whole group
Mentalmagic Show
My brand-new Mentalmagic Show is the crown jewel of my performances, featuring the most impactful miracles I’ve ever encountered.
My performance not only bends your guests’ perception of reality but also compels them to question the capabilities of the human mind.
All of this is done in an entertaining manner, with good taste and a twinkle in my eye. Request a quote and you’ll receive a detailed description via email of how the show will look specifically for your event.
- Duration of the program is 30 minutes or as agreed upon
- Performance evokes intense emotions in the guests, such as amazement, excitement, joy, and laughter
- Captivating experience that deepens a sense of togetherness and elevates the event's prestige to a new level
- I always tailor my performance style to match the nature and energy level of the event
- My clients receive abundant positive feedback for choosing an artist like me for their event
More customers
Additional services
Premium experience
Personal mystery entertainment
Strolling Close-up Magic
If you want to offer your guests a comprehensive experience, you can consider adding close-up magic after the main performance.
In this case, I will continue to entertain as a charming gentleman, mingling elegantly at the party, and entertaining small groups at each table or gathering.
My customer feedback often highlights how much guests appreciate the artist mingling among them after the main performance.
- Program duration as per agreement
- I approach guests and offer an immediate magic show right before their eyes, utilizing a small space and intimate atmosphere
- I am a two-time Finnish champion in this form of entertainment
- My close-up magic evokes intense emotions in guests, such as amazement, excitement, joy, and laughter
- I always tailor my performance style to match the atmosphere and energy level of the event
request a quote
Direct message:
Mentaalitaikuri Englanti
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